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Book – Les Gets 90 years on the slopes

To celebrate its 30th anniversary, the Sagets takes a glide down memory slope to trace the history of the Les Gets ski area.

To celebrate its 30th anniversary, the Sagets takes a glide down memory slope to trace the history of the Les Gets ski area. Almost everything began at the foot of the famous Boule de Gomme ski lift… and it is with this first technical prowess that skiing history made its mark in the snow of Les Gets.

The ski area will grow and spread at its own rhythm, far from the frenzy of the bigger, bolder resorts. Experiments, DIY projects, crazy challenges, adventure! The pioneers of the valley tell their stories for the first time in this book as today’s actors outline the slopes of tomorrow.

Practical information :

Title : Characters of the mountains. Les Gets, 90 years on the slopes

128 pages

Editions inverse

Price : 18€.

Languages : French and English

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